EUKOJUST supports KPC in Strategic Planning process

On 2 – 5 November 2021, the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC) organized a workshop in Tirana, to set up the fundamental directions and foundation for the Strategic Plan 2022 – 2025.

EUKOJUST Long-Term Expert Cristian Nicoara and Short-Term Expert Paul Beasley were invited to support the process and present international and European perspectives on strategic planning mechanisms and processes. Following the presentation delivered at the very beginning of the workshop, which established the line of work and institutional mechanisms to be followed while thinking strategic planning, the two EUKOJUST experts supported the discussions that followed on focusing the decision-making process towards establishing the strategic and operational lines of the Plan.

The activity will continue during the coming weeks with the work at the KPC to establish the content of the plan as designed, while during early December a final workshop will be organized, with the support of EUKOJUST, to finalize the Strategic Plan draft in order to present it to the KPC for approval.

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Elina Doee


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