Pristina, 8 February 2023 – As part of the continuous support provided by the European Union / Kosovo Justice Sector Programme – EUKOJUST Project to the prosecutorial system in Kosovo, the deputy Team Leader, Cristian Nicoara, co-chaired a two-day workshop with the Deputy Chair of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council Mr. Veton Shabani. The key topic of the workshop was the 2022 annual report of the KPC permanent committee for administration and drafting the work plan for 2023.
It was an opportunity for EUKOJUST experts to discuss with the senior members of the prosecutorial system administration and with the members of the permanent committee the challenges the system faced during 2022 and the means to address these in 2023 while aiming to improve and modernise the prosecutorial administration.
This forum also provided a platform to synchronise the activities delivered by the administration with the priorities of the EUKOJUST Project and of the EU Office in Kosovo, represented in the event by Mr. Mats Persson.
In the second day of the workshop the participants identified and addressed the challenges and obstacles foreseen in 2023 and the way of establishing mechanisms to address these. The ultimate goal is to ensure that prosecutorial administration will perform at the best standards of professionalism and efficiency in the years to come.